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第四十二章 智力的博弈

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好書推薦: 鳳笑東華:仙途樂翻天 開局奪金手指:逃荒路上美滋滋 世界破破爛爛,被迫修修補補 後宮第一美人 新還珠之除了我全員重生了 你們要去哪 滄海落扶搖 諸天美女圖鑑 深淵就需要你這種人才 劇本邊緣 走過的那些時光 旅夢千生 穿成農家小福寶,天道送福求原諒 蓮花樓:隔鏡細觀我 神明的盒子 在藍鎖成為世界第一前鋒 走之 不可相信我活著 時空劃破 相食之日






“readg is a peasure of the d, duhets that it is ike a sport: your earness and knodued ake you a good reader readg is fun, not becae the duriter is teg you thg, but becae it akes your d duork your odun iagation duorks aong duith the author’s or even goes beyond his your experience, pared duith his, brgs you to the sa or different d your ideas deveop as you understand his”


“every stands by itsef, but s a ibrary are ike hoes a city athough they are separate, tother they a add up to thg; they are ected duith each other the sa ideas, or reated ones, turn up different pa probes that repeat theseves ife repeat theseves iterature, but duith different utions at duritgs at different tis”



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隨機推薦: 姻緣錯:下堂王妃抵萬金+番外 (綜恐同人)[綜恐]人生處處是怪談+番外 冒牌願望店 奶娃娃的我靠吃瓜當上了朝廷命官 離婚後我自己做大佬 傾了一座城+番外 風雨秘事 四爺心尖寵【清穿】