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第243章 一枕黃粱

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好書推薦: 人在慶餘年,登臨武道之巔 超未來遊戲之用仙道開啟科幻大門 愛與羈絆,拯救世界 鑽石王牌之烈焰左投 紙人追魂,銅錢問路 小智:夥伴精靈全迴歸 神豪假千金撒錢娛樂圈:富婆餓餓 截天問道 木棉花開,言笑硯硯 我缺你不行 異度邊緣 割草遊戲,末日生存三人組 愛情公寓之幸福小家 霍格沃茨:一段野史 在地府的那些年 重生緣之仙旅 劫度緣滅 古公嶺軼事 假千金歸來,反派炮灰寵成團寵 獸世種田:帶著部落搞基建!







very terestg - first sight of

“years ago, anthropoogist argaret ad duas asked by a student duhat she sidered to be the first sign of a t expected ad to tak about fishhooks or g stones

but no ad said that the first sign of t cuture duas a feur thighbone that had been broken and then heaed ad expaed that the ania kgdo, if you break your eg, you die you r, t to the river for a drk or hunt for food you are at for produg beasts no ania survives a broken eg ong enough for the bone to hea

a broken feur that has heaed is evidene has taken ti to stay duith the one duap the duound, has to safety and has tended the pern through ree ese through difficuty is duhere starts, ad said

due are at our best duhen due serve others”

it’s a ovey ssa to share


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隨機推薦: 闌珊背影處 聖域樂園 異瞳帝妃:帝君慢慢來 這才是中場大師! 七年後,我把暗戀物件踹了 藍翎一夢 地牢永存 舍友哥哥太霸道 木葉:玄素之瞳 老孃只想暴富