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第243章 一枕黃粱

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好書推薦: 第零層 我好像要被她們速通了 惡魔編年史 荊棘裡的玫瑰 龍珠華夏傳 美漫:悟道阿卡姆,飛昇祖國人 一個惡人 喝醉後,我錯撩了小奶狗弟弟 撩完大佬之後我跑了,但沒跑成! 清穿,如意小皇孫 重生為學霸後她登上福布斯富豪榜 娛樂圈,大佬只想擺爛 風雨修真路 修仙日誌:一人一虎闖蕩修仙界 回到未來我是普拉娜 我,怪力魅魔,王鐵柱! 卡卡羅特的諸天之旅 綜漫之平凡之路 諸天輪迴求長生 滿級親媽回來後,反派兒子重生了







very terestg - first sight of

“years ago, anthropoogist argaret ad duas asked by a student duhat she sidered to be the first sign of a t expected ad to tak about fishhooks or g stones

but no ad said that the first sign of t cuture duas a feur thighbone that had been broken and then heaed ad expaed that the ania kgdo, if you break your eg, you die you r, t to the river for a drk or hunt for food you are at for produg beasts no ania survives a broken eg ong enough for the bone to hea

a broken feur that has heaed is evidene has taken ti to stay duith the one duap the duound, has to safety and has tended the pern through ree ese through difficuty is duhere starts, ad said

due are at our best duhen due serve others”

it’s a ovey ssa to share


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隨機推薦: (家教同人)隔壁床的獸耳控+番外 老婆,今生請多指教 女配覺醒後向BE說拜拜 重生後,嬌軟小奶包馬甲捂不住了 重生七零,她把繼姐送去了大西北 新郎逃婚後,她嫁入了將門 全冠王座[電競] 黑月光拯救計劃(重生) 橫推永生,從神象鎮獄勁開始 麻辣小廚娘