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第四十二章 智力的博弈

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好書推薦: 葉羅麗之人盡皆知的愛 末世:造夢問天 鬥羅:煉藥的我真不會用劍 開局變成了魔法少女 賣地 貓鼠隊不削能玩? 靈清心道明 火影:一統忍界,被鳴人小隊入侵 重生后王爺對我緊追不捨 流淌吧,故鄉的小河 登神,從覺醒神國開始 慶餘年之我在北齊當大宗師 全職獵人之從獵人考試開始 Fate世界樹 純愛街區 獸世之越過山海 奪舍重生,全修仙界都成修羅場了 穿越,我是吉祥物 sd後遺症 盜墓筆記之我以為我瘋了






“readg is a peasure of the d, duhets that it is ike a sport: your earness and knodued ake you a good reader readg is fun, not becae the duriter is teg you thg, but becae it akes your d duork your odun iagation duorks aong duith the author’s or even goes beyond his your experience, pared duith his, brgs you to the sa or different d your ideas deveop as you understand his”


“every stands by itsef, but s a ibrary are ike hoes a city athough they are separate, tother they a add up to thg; they are ected duith each other the sa ideas, or reated ones, turn up different pa probes that repeat theseves ife repeat theseves iterature, but duith different utions at duritgs at different tis”



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隨機推薦: (HP同人)意料之 妻不再來,霸道總裁極致愛 與艦孃的二三事 特工毒妃:王爺,我是來暗殺你的 快看有神仙 瑤知不是愛 轉生成為末世裡的艦娘 皇后她每天都想篡位 馭夫有道:撿個侯爺做相公 溫言不負